The days are now longer and warmer so it has been fun spending time outdoors especially in my fave the botanical gardens. Lucas and I had a really great go at fishing down at Evans Bay one evening and a failed 3 night long hike but thats for another post. I also did a version of Pipi Longstocking For Halloween (see dodgy costume below) but apart from all this, these are the things I have been loving/doing this month:
1. The Mermaidens Band
I saw this band play at the City Gallery Tuatara Lates and they were/are so brilliant. 2 gals and one guy from Wellington, playing a haunting style of alt rock, grunge with beautiful vocals and absolutely perfect vintage 60s style.
They were brilliant and their mostly self-directed music videos are so amazing. Check them out on YouTube here.
2. Pics Peanut Butter
Pics heard that I loved peanut butter so they sent me some of theirs to try and I have to admit that it is pretty great peanut butter! Thanks Pics. I also love the fact that they are a New Zealand owned and made company. I really want to check out the factory when I’m down in Nelson next.
Also the peanut butter slugs are the best for when you are going hiking and you need lightweight food options!
Heres the Pics Peanut Butter guy story:
3. Floriditas on Cuba Street
Floriditas on Cuba Street is run by the same people as another favourite of mine Loretta, also on Cuba Street and I have been meaning to go for ages and finally made it there for coffee with a friend. I love it because it actually feels like you are in Florence or Paris or somewhere.
Super nice! They serve traditional cakes and fresh food with a modern Italian vibe.
4. Christchurch!
So, this month I went to Christchurch twice for work and managed to get to know the city a little bit and I really enjoyed what I found. Of course there is a sadness because the place is partially in ruins but there is so much cool stuff popping up through the cracks. I think if you are an artist or a creative or want to start something, Christchurch seems to offer a blank canvas which is really appealing.
They have the most awesome food court ever called Little High Eatery, great coffee at C1 Expresso and The Caffeine Laboratory. And I stayed at the amazing Eco Villa on my second trip (blog coming soon).
Anyway, Christchurch is great I can’t wait to explore it some more.
5. The Wellington Botanical Gardens Greenhouse
I used to work at the Barbican in London which has one of the worlds most wonderful greenhouses and I used to love going there on Sundays. So, I was pretty pleased to find the lovely greenhouse at the Botanical Gardens here in Wellington as a mini replacement.
Its a great place to go have a lil wander. Love it.
6. Fabricabrac
Having recently been getting into sewing and taking classes at Wellington High School I have been building my collection of fabrics. But this can be totally expensive, especially here in New Zealand. So when I heard about Fabricabrac, an event where stall holders sell off their spare fabric cheaply I was pretty thrilled. If you are into sewing, i recommend following these guys to see when the next one is as there are some great bargains to be had.
Thats all for this month folks!
Thanks for reading! For more posts from this month check out:
How to pack in only hand luggage for your summer holiday
Moving to New Zealand Story with Yoga Teacher Elina
6 Solid Reasons to move to Taranaki
You can follow me for updates on Instagram @lostinsilverfern Twitter @lostsilverfern and Facebook @lostinsilverfern and subscribe using the form below.
Josie x