I am fresh out of a stint of over 2 weeks isolation as both Lucas and I have just gone through our Covid-19 infections. Although somewhat expected, the illness wasn’t very nice and I wouldn’t recommend it. However, we did get through it and there were a couple of things and supplies we had that helped, so I thought I would share.

Lucas caught it first, and for the first 5 days I really thought that I had avoided it and put lots of time into taking care of my darling!….but then it hit me and I had a really sore throat and my body began to ache. My symptoms were kind of like a textbook BAD cold and flu. I had body aches for 2 days and then I thought I was over it and felt a bit better, then I had a cold for the next 3 days, and then for the next week after that, I felt exhausted. 2 weeks after I first got symptoms I finally felt well enough to get out again, but it took that long to feel better. I have been so so tired since it and thankful to be working from home so I could take it easy.
It seems to affect everyone who gets it differently, so it really is hard to give tips on this, but here are 17 supplies I would recommend having in the house to keep you going if Covid and isolation strikes.

17 Supplies for isolating with Covid:
1 – Throat lozenges – I definitely recommend having a little stash of these in so you don’t get caught out if you get a dry uncomfortable throat. I really recommend some Manuka Honey ones, like these Manuka Health ones from Health Post. Health Post have loads of other good options for lozenges too.
2 – Lip balm is also a must for the dry lips that come with blowing your nose a lot and being generally run down. I can’t look past the Weleda Skin Food Lip Balm.
3 – Poweraid or rehydration sachets – this is more of a tip from Lucas than from myself as he suffered from fever and sweats more than I did, but he really craved Poweraid and ended up ordering some through Uber Eats because we didn’t have any in!
4 – Soups, frozen stews and bone broth – Definitely get your freezer stocked with some super easy meals that you can reheat. Broth is a really great thing to have on hand too as it feels really replenishing and warming to have when you are sick. These Nutra Organics ones are so easy if you don’t have actual broth as you just add water to the powder so they are great to have on hand.
5 – Bread in the freezer – I had so much toast when I was sick just because it is really easy. I had lots of bread frozen and was so thankful for this.
6 – Fruit + Veg – We always need those vitamins but especially when sick! I get a regular fruit and veg box delivered from Commonsense Organics which was great to have when we couldn’t go to the shops.
7 – Tea – let’s face it, tea heals all things. I had so many cups of tea while I was sick. Love your basic English Breakfast but Pukka Tea is my go-to herbal as well as these Love Teas.
8 – Paracetamol and Ibuprofen – Great to make sure you have these in supply for when you cant go to the shops.
9 – A massage tool – with so much sitting around as well as the symptoms of the infection itself, its really good to have a tool in supply to ease the tension. Massage guns like this one from RecoverPro are awesome or shakti mats or rollers are good too.
10 – Lemons ginger and honey – Got to keep your lemon honey and ginger stash up so you can make hot and fresh teas to warm up.
11 – Vitamin D – has been proven to be beneficial towards the ability to recover from/be immune to Covid. We have been using this Go Healthy Vitamin D3.
12 – Some good books and TV on hand – I can recommend saving some TV shows that you love for when you are self-isolating with oodles of time on your hands. I just watched Euphoria and White Lotus – can strongly recommend – you will get through a few box sets.
13 – Tissues – not to start some kind of panic buying, but have some tissues ready for blowing your nose if the sniffles are one of your symptoms.
14 – Vitamin C – The age-old advice for building immunity is to keep your Vitamin C up. We take this powder Super Family C supplement from Clinicians.
15 – Chocolate and treats to cheer you up – you need to have these to make things a bit brighter. Obviously staying healthy is the important thing but staying mentally well and treating yourself is also essential for not getting too down when isolating and feeling crappy!
16 – A comfy tracksuit – I didn’t get out of my track pants the whole time I was isolating, so I reckon having some super nice ones would definitely be worth it. Lululemon has some good options like these tie-dye high-rise ones.
17 – A friend lined up to help you shop – make sure you have a friend who you can do a shop sway with for each other if you get sick. Our friend Gemma nipped to the shop for us to grab some supplies when we were really in need one day, and if she ever gets sick I will be heading over to repay the favor.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there was anything that got you through this wierd time! Its kind of similar but different to being in lockdown as you can’t go to the shops and everyone else was out and about.
Stay healthy everyone. If you need all NZ government latest rules head HERE.
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Thanks for reading and come back soon.
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Josie x