I am Josie, Welcome to Lost in Silver Fern.
I am writing to you from Wellington, New Zealand but I am not originally from here, I moved here in 2016 and I created this blog to share stories of my time in the city and my experience of making the big move to New Zealand.
When I moved to Wellington from London and was going through the whole “visa process” I found it really hard to find good examples of people who had done the same. So I have shared my own experience here on this blog in the hope that I can help others with theirs. To find out more about my move to New Zealand, check out my post: Why Move to New Zealand?
As well as my moving to New Zealand experience and tips for Wellington Life, on Lost in Silver Fern you will also find my love of culture, sustainable living, and travel as well as some of my innermost personal thoughts and experiences.
I hope you enjoy being here and find something useful, or even just interesting. And please say hello, I LOVE hearing from and connecting with readers.
You can also connect in the following ways:
Instagram @lostinsilverfern
Facebook: @lostsilverfern
Email: lostinsilverfern@gmail.com
If you are interested in collaborating with Lost in Silver Fern, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via my email or CONTACT PAGE
Thank you so much for being here and do come back soon!
Peace and Love
Josie x